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22-12-2016 à 08:27:10
Susanne sommers diet
It may be necessary to raise awareness of suppliers through a training program. Lettuce from a small producer caused an outbreak of E. Building the Self-cleaning Food Plant: Hygienic Design of Equipment in Food Processing. Keywords: mycotoxins, good agricultural practices, HACCP, risk assessment, controls, separation, storage. Further, stringent hygienic practices by consumers and food-service workers can prevent microbial pathogen contamination during preparation, handling, and storage of mayonnaise-ingredient recipes, such as chilled perishable salads and salad-bar dressings. Leakage of sumps under ovens into high-risk areas. L. Woodhead Publishing Limited and CRC Press LLC. Rework areas, equipment, and containers should be clearly identified through use of color tags, bar codes, etc. Applying these best practices does not guarantee pathogen-free cider, but when applied along with HACCP, will substantially reduce the likelihood of contamination. Cross-functional training of staff in sanitary facility and equipment design. Contamination can occur with natural toxins, which are toxic elements found in animal or plant substances. 1997. Factors that contribute to food borne illness outbreaks are identified in this paper, based on collection of food borne disease outbreak data from various sources. Wheat, barley, peanuts, corn, cottonseed, tree nuts, and figs. Coli can be used to prevent contamination of raw milk, raw meat and poultry, eggs, and produce. 1999. botulinum spores present on fish. Thus, sanitation is extremely important in juice processing. Meat contamination can be minimized by effective animal husbandry and proper hygiene. Monitoring and controlling cleaning and disinfection programs to prevent biofilms. A number of establishments also did not make changes, however. Many establishments changed operating procedures as a result of the findings from these inspections, including many sanitation changes. Exceptions are constructions where the sharp corner is continually swept, such as in lobe pumps. In response to the Listeria issue, on March 8, 1999, the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) of the USDA amended the Federal meat and poultry inspection regulations of certain RTE meat and poultry products. A. Some food and color additives can cause an allergic-type reaction in consumers. Welds should not be made in corners, but on the flat surfaces, and must be smooth. Segregation, effective cleaning, and disinfection are key to preventing post-process contamination. Validate allergen-control program with testing kits of in-process and finished foods. It must be accessible for inspection, maintenance, cleaning, and sanitation. In sum, industry awareness is essential in the control of potential allergen residue risk. Many of these processes are expensive and time-consuming. Further, of the 37 of 85 firms that utilized rework, roughly half had product that tested positive for allergens. Electronic sorting to remove immature, damaged, or mold infested kernels. Segregation of raw materials from in-process and finished products. It must be cleanable down to the microbiological level. Reduction of Patulin During Apple Juice Clarification. Odhav. Coli, good agricultural practices, risk analysis, pasteurization, controls, testing. To achieve this quality of surface, polishing or other surface treatment may be required. As a result of the development and application of increasingly mild preservation technologies, processed foods become more sensitive to microbial contamination, requiring greater control of the manufacturing process. Vol. Erickson, J. For example, drains may have been placed in undesirable high-traffic floor areas where cross-contamination can easily occur. Woodhead Publishing Limited and CRC Press LLC. Scheduling allergen-containing products for the end of the day. Two potential contamination sources, pasteurized liquid eggs and wet environmental areas were observed for 4 months in 3 processing plants. Various methods are currently used to reduce the levels of patulin in apple juice, including charcoal treatment, chemical preservation using sulfur dioxide, gamma irradiation, fermentation, and trimming of fungus-infected apples. As a result of the outbreak, Odwalla hired safety consultants and voluntarily implemented a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) plan. monocytogenes is widespread in the environment and occurs in all raw food materials from time to time. Control of Listeria is dependent on preventing contamination of or growth in raw materials, destroying or reducing it if present in raw materials, preventing recontamination in the factory by the environment, equipment or personnel. Plant design to eliminate traffic flow between RTE and raw product areas. 64, No. Use of preservatives or inhibitory substances that have Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status. Modification of product recipe without changing the label. There also are ATP bioluminescence cleaning validation systems for detection of food residue, yeast, mold, and bacteria on production surfaces. Biological hazards include harmful bacteria, viruses or parasites, such as Salmonella, Hepatitis A, and Trichinella. One of the goals of the partnership was to obtain current information on allergen awareness and to provide training and information to the industry about effective control measures. A close working relationship with suppliers is important. Keywords: meat processing, poultry processing, controls, sanitation, testing, work practices, HACCP. These kits have to be applied by a technically experienced person who will need additional training. It must have its maintenance enclosures hygienically designed. Doyle, Ellin M. 1998. The type of food contact surface and topography play a significant role in the inability to decontaminate a surface. Listeria is a very common pathogen that can be found almost anywhere in the environment. Production was frequently not scheduled or sequenced for allergen control. Environmental testing of non-food contact surfaces, food contact surface testing, and product testing. P. An integrated pest management program that relies on inspection, monitoring, establishing action threshold levels, and implementing first non-chemical and then chemical measures. However, the process resulted in high levels of patulin in the pressed pulp after filtration and centrifugation, and this could be harmful if used for animal feed. Use of advanced chemical sanitizers to clean and sanitize surfaces. Kraft Foods, for instance, has developed a potassium lactate and sodium diacetate preservative system that, when used in the formulation of products like hot dogs, creates a good chemical barrier to the growth of Listeria. Beauchat, Larry R. Todd. Scott, and Dane T. Allergen contamination from products containing allergens run on same production line. The majority (64 percent) of respondents indicated that their companies have either implemented new food safety and sanitation initiatives or intend to do so. Listeria monocytogenes and C. coli O157:H7. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety. Regular L. Food allergens can become part of food unintentionally by means of misformulation, improper scheduling, use of rework, improper sanitation, and cross-contamination. Inclusions of quality components in HACCP that dilute its effectiveness. Journal of Food Protection. Folks, Heather and Dennis Burson. Use of sanitizer dips and sprays and preservatives. Test kits are also available that can detect the presence of peanut, egg, and milk at very low levels. Electronic sorting and handpicking can remove damaged, immature, or mold infested kernels and remove a significant amount of aflatoxins in shelled nuts. Sources for such contaminants include raw materials, badly maintained equipment, improper production procedures, and poor employee practices. 2000. Designate and label equipment for use with specific products. Building the Self-cleaning Food Plant: Six Steps to Effective Sanitary Design for the Food Plant. The particular organisms tested for will be those that are a problem in the given industry. Other contributory factors are those that allow survival or fail to inactivate the contaminant, such as insufficient cooking time or temperature or inadequate acidification. Bar code scanners are sometimes used for this. Long run times for allergenic products to minimize product carryover. Studies are needed to assess the effectiveness of some of these treatments and others (such as pasteurization) have been proven effective. In most food processing plants, food contact surfaces are cleaned and sanitized daily. Coli O157:H7 can be internalized in the fruit at infiltration levels of 3 percent or higher. The design of new lines or equipment must minimize the potential for human error. Knife sterilization and temperature, airflow, and other process controls. Boutrif, Ezzeddine. The presence of slide bearings should be considered when writing procedures for cleaning and disinfection. This is also my source for vitamins and supplements. No chlorine, which can be used on organic foods to kill bacteria, was added to the wash water and no bacterial testing was done. This study evaluated the manufacturing process for soudjouk-style sausage on the viability of E. Plant materials - use of easily cleanable materials for floors, walls, and ceilings, caulk-sealed seams, flush doorjambs, no sewage lines running over production or storage areas, and positive airflow in RTE areas, and. Ineffectiveness of chlorine (widely used to decontaminate process water) under certain circumstances. Several outbreaks of deadly bacteria in juice and produce have occurred in recent years. Effective cleaning and sanitation, which combines physical and chemical methods within the program, will often prevent the accumulation of food product residues and bacterial cells on equipment surfaces. Food safety hazards that must be controlled include microbiological (pathogens), physical (glass, metal shavings, wood) and chemical (allergen cross contamination), while preventing product exposure to sources of filth (dust, rodent excrement). Metal poisoning from food handling equipment and utensils due to corrosion. Chilling and temperature control for finished product storage. Coli contamination risk during commercial mayonnaise and mayonnaise dressing production, and E. and J. Maintenance of food safety controls and strengthening of existing controls is therefore paramount. Surveillance of Foodborne Disease III. Outdated packaging material should be removed from plant. Contamination can occur through contact with soil, raw or improperly composted manure, irrigation water containing untreated sewage, or contaminated wash water. The study also recommends cross-functional training of staff in sanitary facility and equipment design to evaluate existing structure and plant equipment or to facilitate expansion and improvements. Coli can survive fermentation and therefore products made with this process should be examined with challenge studies to determine the critical control points that require effective control to minimize contamination. , K. 65, No. Scheduling production of allergen-containing products at the end of production runs. Belluck, Pam and Christopher Drew. Listeria Monocytogenes. These findings indicate that refrigeration cannot be used to ensure reduction of microbial pathogens. If you want to reduce your exposure to harmful chemicals, you want our highly-rated, revolutionary organic makeup, anti aging cream and serum, toxicfree skincare, body care, and haircare. Employee work methods and empowerment for food safety decisions. Plants should monitor the microbial load on surfaces with plating of swabbing solution, contact plates, and the dipstick technique. Use only approved food grade lubricants and greases. Use of peroxide and peroxide-containing sanitizers instead of chlorine, iodophors, and most quaternary ammonium compounds. Use equipment and utensils that do not corrode with citrus fruits, fruit drinks, fruit pie fillings, tomato products, sauerkraut, and carbonated beverages. GMPs - Appendix A: Annotated Bibliography on Food Safety Problems and Recommended Controls. Use of table with surface nicks that caused cross-contamination. Incorporation of sanitary design into your facility can prevent development of microbiological niches, facilitate cleaning and sanitation, maintain or increase product shelf life and improve product safety by reducing potential of food borne illness, injury or recall. Handling by an intestinal carrier of enteric pathogens. Sensor-equipped paper towel dispensers to replace hand cranks. In addition to food product contact surfaces, the environment should be checked and cleaned, including reservoirs where Listeria can quickly grow to high levels. in drains and some employee contact surfaces. The study concluded that if plants use pasteurized eggs and GMPs, plants are unlikely to harbor E. Cleaning can be accomplished by using chemicals or combination of chemical and physical force (water turbulence or scrubbing). Another quality assurance manager suggested testing for Listeria monocytogenes again, which had been found in orange and apple juice in 1995, but dropped the plan after resistance from upper management. Coli. Institution of a workable maintenance plan where predictive maintenance is applied to the most critical assets. The ingredient specification should warrant that the product is free of foreign material, including allergens. , the United Egg Producers Association promotes the adoption of its Five Star program among its members that combines vaccination with sanitation, pest controls, washing and refrigeration controls. monocytogenes testing of drains and molecular subtyping of isolates obtained. Maintenance of an adequately low pH of 4. Avoid use of empty cleaning chemical containers for food storage. Fruit can also become contaminated if immersed in cold, contaminated water or if vulnerable external points of fruit are immersed in contaminated water. Whether making sure employees keep good hygiene or checking the efficacy of sanitized equipment, keeping the procedure simple will more likely result in employees actually performing the required tasks. Prevention or minimization of human error is possible via the enforcement of good sanitary practices, such as thorough hand washing and glove wear for various cases. Woodhead Publishing Limited and CRC Press LLC. Equipment - sanitary equipment design and third-party review of equipment design. It must be self-draining (i. Deibel, Kurt, Tom Trautman, Tom DeBoom, William H. Keywords: allergens, product review, prevention, controls, separation, facility design, equipment, employee training, handling, labeling. Environmental and contact surface testing to determine the effectiveness of cleaning and to identify potential sources of contamination. S. Post-slaughter antimicrobial decontamination methods, including spray-washing, steam-vacuuming, steam pasteurization, warm water wash, trimming, lactic acid decontamination. Food processing firms, universities, and the USDA are conducting research on many new technologies to control pathogens. Nutrient and water limitation, equipment design, and temperature control are important in biofilm control. January 4. Despite their natural acidity, pathogens are able to survive in these fruit juices. Alternating between alkaline and acid-based detergents to avoid soapstone or hard water buildups and formation of biofilms. Sanitation practices should be validated using sight, bioluminescence, and ELISA tests. Any extraneous object or foreign matter in food, sources include. Focusing on water quality as an important control point at the farm and at processing and packing facilities. Breed cultivars resistant to insect damage and ear rot. I. During harvest, mechanical damage should be minimized to prevent subsequent contamination. Audits should be conducted of chemicals used, employees should be trained adequately, and in-house testing of product should be conducted. Implementing an environmental monitoring program for Listeria spp. Product contact surfaces should be smooth enough to be easily cleanable. Water, insects, and birds may serve as vectors resulting in contamination of damaged or decayed sites on the rind of fruits and vegetables. monocytogenes, including floors and drains, standing water, ceilings and overhead pipes, refrigeration condensation units, recess or hollow material, air filters, and open bearings. One of these technologies commonly accepted as a tool to kill all pathogens is irradiation. Keywords: food service, handling, sanitation, risk analysis, controls. Factors that allow proliferation of contaminants include inadequate refrigeration, insufficient acidification, inadequate fermentation, modified atmosphere packaging (MAP), and more. Three ice cream, 31 bakery, and six candy manufacturers were inspected in Minnesota and 10 ice cream, 23 bakery, and 12 candy manufacturers were inspected in Wisconsin. Elimination of insufficiently treated sewage to fertilize crops. Study indicated that infiltration of pathogens into oranges can occur. McClure. Chemical hazards include compounds that can cause illness or injury due to immediate or long-term exposure. Removal of microorganisms by washing, trimming, centrifuging, and filtration. 2001. Knife sterilization and temperature, airflow, and other process controls. The EDTF has developed operational and equipment guidelines to minimize the spread of Listeria in meat processing plants. Blackburn and Peter J. Routine microbiological testing, including standard plate counts, yeast counts, bacterial spore-former assays, and coliform counts. Crops should also be harvested in a timely manner to prevent mycotoxin formation due to high moisture levels. From a Farm in California to Outbreak of Food Poisoning in the East. Use of pathogen detection and cleaning validation testing systems. Sharp corners in the product area should be avoided. The capital costs of food irradiation equipment depend primarily on the irradiation source, food product, plant volume, and facility design. Viability of Escherichia coli O157:H7 during Manufacturing and Storage of a Fermented, Semidry Soudjouk-Style Sausage. 2: 22-32. Permaul, and B. The New York Times. Hard or sharp objects are food safety hazards, further classified into metallic and non-metallic objects. Restriction of tasks among employees to prevent cross contamination. A good system builds preventative efforts into earlier components of the production process. Omittance of raw ingredients that are potential allergens from label. 1998. Product testing is insufficient to indicate the mode of contamination. e. Cold storage and appropriate selection of packaging for fruits and vegetables. Keywords: chemical hazards, risk assessment, controls, separation, cleaning, pest control. The best method of controlling biofilms is to prevent their development in the manufacturing environment. Locate orchards away from potential sources of contamination, such as pastures. 60, No. Cliver, Dean O. Observed infiltration levels may be conservative because intact fruit was used as well as a decontamination step. Lack of dedicated lines or not adding allergenic product at end of process. Proper storage to protect from moisture and heat. In response, the state of Florida drafted rules that required a two-step cleaning process of fruit, including an acid-based detergent and chlorine and that prevented the use of split or decayed fruit. Use of dehumidifiers and drip pans in RTE areas. Inadequate hygiene on the part of food handlers and inadequate cleaning of equipment and utensils can also result in contamination. Hand contact with contaminative surfaces, such as mucous, blood, soil, urine, or feces. Further, 38 percent of the Minnesota and 64 percent of Wisconsin firms without label verification procedures were found to have undeclared allergen residues in their products. Economic Research Service (ERS). Brain Wave Technologies: Thought for Food. Keep inventory of chemicals in a secure, supervised area. Ensurance of adequate hand washing through the use of automated hand washing systems. g. Allergenic materials and nonallergenic materials should be stored separately, with dedicated bins, scoops and weighing buckets. Curiel, Roy. In meat and poultry processing, the primary means of preventing the spread of pathogens is with conventional work practices, such as effective sanitation programs and the use of work programs that minimize opportunities for product contamination. Controlling the feed of food animals and poultry. A number of foods also contain allergenic proteins. Handpicking to remove immature, damaged, or mold infested kernels. Some of the preservatives that are formulated into hot dogs and other processed meats to control the growth of pathogens include sodium nitrite, sodium lactate, sodium diacetate, polyphosphates, organic acids, smoke flavoring, and bacteriocins, such as nisin and pediocin. Journal of Food Protection. Implementation of HACCP systems at the point of production. 6. However, random, inadvertent contamination will be difficult to detect with testing. Life Extension gives voice to the most cutting-edge doctors and new thinking. Pathogen migration through the flower end or breaks in the apple skin. Misreading labels can also result in accidentally or incidentally adding poisonous substances to food. Animal husbandry practices also influence the spread of Salmonella. Further, peroxide and peroxide containing sanitizers have been found to be highly effective in removal of biofilms. 5 percent moisture for corn. Keywords: seafood processing, HACCP, biological hazards, chemical hazards, physical hazards. An approved ingredient can also be added in excessive quantities by accident, such as too much nitrite in cured meat or too much ginger powder in gingersnaps. Use of organic acids, other preservations, or bacteriocins in product formulation. SUZANNE Organics Wild Orange Jasmine Deodorant Duo 4 oz. Additional control technologies include electronic pasteurization, especially when done in the package, irradiation, other non-thermal processing intervention technologies, such as high pressure processing (HPP). Under such a testing program, breaches will be detected before they reach crisis proportions. Grounds and dust control - grading grounds for drainage and paving driveway and parking areas. , John J. Verification of cleaning between allergen and nonallergen runs. Improved evisceration and hide, hair, and feather removal techniques. 2003. Odwalla denied that the company took any such risks, but recognized that their safety systems failed. Keywords: allergens, industry practices, labeling, testing, sanitation, cross-contamination, cleaning, employee training, controls. Wrong perception of the value and complexity of HACCP implementation. Bell, Chris and Alec Kyriakides. Voluntary quality assurance programs, including cleaning and disinfecting hen houses between flocks, strict rodent control, washing of eggs, refrigeration between transport and storage, biosecurity measures, mortality monitoring, use of salmonella-free chicks and pullets. 10. Microorganisms may then multiply in the product and grow back to the product side. S. Application of additional process steps, such as thermal process, irradiation, high pressure, pulsed electric fields, electrolyzed oxidizing water, ultraviolet light, and ultrasound. CSPI. , preservatives, and nutritional and color additives). It also has a cycle counter so the frequency of hand and glove washing can be monitored. Physical detachments or lockouts for equipment with high-contamination risk. Implementation of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) systems at the point of production is essential to increasing the safety of foods of animal and plant origin. Use trained and certified personnel in application of pesticides. Lack of expertise in hazard analysis and risk evaluation. Transfer of sanitation duties from the third to second or first shifts and to better-trained employees. Traffic patterns need to be examined and environmental testing should occur in areas that have the potential to contaminate processing and packaging areas and their surrounding space. Belts that run materials from one place to another should be covered to prevent ingredients from falling onto other belts and airflow should be considered. Lack of motivation and failure to develop the right attitude and skills for system maintenance. Vol. Treatment of produce with chlorinated water (may not eliminate pathogens completely). Natural fermentation and drying processes were found to be less effective than the use of a starter culture in reducing levels of E. The quantity and type of testing depends on the product. Certain processing areas, such as apple mills and tubing for pomace, and juice transfer, may harbor contaminants even after cleaning and sanitation. Microbial load monitoring with plating of swabbing solution, contact plates, and the dipstick technique. Pathogen transmitting pests, such as rodents, roaches, and flies. Product manufactured with no processing stage to kill the organism. Audits and documentation should be required of raw material suppliers. The design of the top rims of product-containing equipment must avoid ledges, where product can lodge and that are difficult to clean. Some companies modified the product recipe without changing the label. E. This infrequent cleaning provides the opportunity for biofilm formation if moisture is present. Coating drains or equipment parts with antimicrobial agents. Bissessur, J. Pest control residues in food should be controlled. Keywords: cider, fresh produce (apples), best practices, HACCP, controls, pasteurization, testing. Gluten-Free, Chemical-Free, Cruelty-Free, Vegan, and Made in the United States. Routine monitoring of cleaning efficacy by means of sampling is also essential. Product lines are not dedicated or allergenic products are not run last. Control of potential points of contamination in the field, during harvesting, processing and distribution, retail markets, at food-service facilities, and at home. Contact with mammals, reptiles, fowl, insects, unpasteurized products of animal origin, and contaminated surfaces (including human hands) are other potential points of contamination. This can be accomplished through the use of available literature, or more effectively, through training courses offered by experts in the field. Folks, Heather and Dennis Burson. Inclusion of sampling sites that are good indicators of control, such as food contact surfaces. Buege, and John B. Washing efficacy is dependent on good contact between the contaminant and the microbial agent and agitation assists in this process. Keywords: meat processing, poultry processing, Listeria, equipment, cleaning, sanitation. Safety Tops Concerns for Coming Year. In the U. Recalls, illnesses, and deaths associated with Listeria in food products have been reported over the past years. Pathogen testing involves environmental testing, equipment swabbing and product testing of raw materials and finished product. Luchansky. Table A-1: Summary of Literature Findings on Microbiological Safety Issues and Preventive Controls. F. Coli, can remain under finger nails and can be passed on to consumers. Possible preventive measures include declaring the presence of the allergen, testing for residue, requiring supplier certification that the product is allergen free, and reviewing labeling of raw materials. Some of the control procedures include: avoidance of sample compositing during testing to detect contamination patterns, testing during operations to reflect true-life conditions in the plant, and nonrandomized testing. Biofilms on equipment surfaces to which Listeria monocytogenes cells can attach and persist despite washing and sanitizing. Risks increase when chemicals are not controlled or the recommended treatment rates are exceeded. Keywords: Listeria, risk analysis, controls, handling, post-processing, segregation, cleaning, sanitation. In mid-1995, orange juice served at Walt Disney World was contaminated with Salmonella. It is also important to verify that the food product is placed in the appropriately labeled package and that the appropriate label is placed on the product. The main control mechanism that the food industry has in place for protecting products like RTE meat and poultry from Listeria contamination is to clean and sanitize to eliminate the pathogen and then to conduct environmental testing and monitoring to verify that sanitation efforts have been successful. to verify that the control program is effective. The inability to eliminate the pathogen has resulted in the introduction of steam pasteurization that decontaminates the surface of the meat while retaining the raw meat quality and appearance. More than 90 percent of food borne illnesses of known cause are of microbial origin. Another intervention strategy involves making changes within the products themselves. Salmonella can be reduced by controlling the feed of food animals and poultry. Biofilm Formation and Control in Food Processing Facilities. Product-contact materials must be inert to the product under operating conditions, as well as to detergents and antimicrobial chemicals (sanitizers) under conditions of use. Weekly or more frequent sampling of the food processing environment. Cross-contamination also occurred when baking sheets were reused without cleaning. Toxic substances in containers or pipelines can leach into food by contact with highly acidic foods. Separation of allergenic and nonallergenic products, with dedicated bins, scoops, and weighing buckets. Verification of cleaning between allergen and non-allergen containing product runs is essential. This study found that clarification methods, including pressing, centrifugation, fining, enzyme treatment, and filtration, were successful in reducing patulin levels in apple juice. Chemical hazards can be subdivided into naturally occurring chemicals (mycotoxins, allergens, marine toxins), intentionally added chemicals (preservatives, nutritional additives, color additives), and unintentionally added chemicals (pesticides, veterinary drugs, toxic elements, food processing plant chemicals such as cleaners). Biofilm development control via nutrient and water limitation, equipment design, and temperature control. The EDTF has identified the critical nature of equipment design in reducing the risk of contamination of food products by Listeria monocytogenes. Cross-contamination with L. Basic facility flow - separate entrance for employees, isolation of lunchrooms, lockers, and restrooms, and use of captive shoes. L. Deibel, Virginia. Processing may involve removal of parts of the commodity, making it more susceptible to mold formation. Animals and animal manure used for foods are a leading source of food borne pathogens. Verifying labels and packaging (e. Cereals, legumes, oilseeds, treenuts, milk, meat, coffee, cocoa, fruits, spices. Sanitizer selection should be based on whether or not a biofilm is likely to be present and the organic load likely associated with the biofilm. Chemical hazards can be controlled by storing them separately from food and packaging materials. Management strategies, like the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system. To make it possible to remove all chemicals from process equipment, the equipment must be designed to be self-drainable. From intentionally added chemicals (e. Regular validation of test results by a third party. It must have a validated cleaning and sanitizing protocol. Mechanical harvesters that collect more than just the product. Employee work methods and empowerment for food safety decisions. Use of ozone (instead of chlorine) as disinfectant. Lack of integration among CMMS, condition-based monitoring, and enterprise asset management systems.

1995. Patulin is a mycotoxin produced by a number of molds involved in fruit spoilage. Cross-contamination can also occur through workers who do not wash their hands, through cleaning aids, such as sponges that are not disinfected, or when raw foods touch or drip onto other foods. The use of screw threads and bolts in the product area should be avoided. Doyle, Michael P. Use of chemical and physical force combination during cleaning. The colors and shapes ensure proper selection, ease identification and monitoring, simplify training and SSOP understanding. Table A-4: Summary of Literature Findings on Mycotoxin-related Chemical Safety Issues and Preventive Controls. S. Unavoidable contamination can occur if it is impossible to verify that all allergen residue has been removed from equipment or if plant design prevents separation of lines, increasing the likelihood of dust carryover. Bernard. coli O157:H7. Color coding maintenance tools or specifying proper cleaning procedures. Prepared for the American Council on Science and Health. Monitoring and testing the product can be appropriate in some products, such as raw milk or smoked fish. Keywords: food safety initiatives, sanitation, employee training, HACCP, pest control. American Meat Institute (AMI). 1997. Smoked seafoodRTE meat and poultrysoft cheesesraw milkMexican-style cheeses. monocytogenes during slicing and cutting. Adherence to the basic elements of sanitary design, including facility site selection, grounds and dust control, pest control, basic facility flow, plant materials, and equipment. Some of these controls include vaccination, competitive exclusion, and in-the-shell pasteurization. Lack of dedicated lines or allergenic product scheduling at end of day. Fish and Fisheries Products Hazards and Controls Guidance. Most food borne disease hazards are caused, not by additives or pesticides, but by microbes. Rapid cooling of the product after cold-smoking process. Floyd, Bruce M. monocytogenes strains may persist in a plant for years. Reciprocating shafts should be sealed by means of flexible diaphragms or bellows. A process control check to verify that known allergens are listed on the ingredient label is essential. Of firms that felt they had adequate label review policies, 15 percent were found to have discrepancies. Store chemicals separately from food and packaging materials. Overall, 22 percent of respondents indicated that their companies had no plans to improve safety this year but no reasons were given for their decision. Listeria monocytogenes can grow at refrigerated temperatures if it gets on a product before packaging. Animals used for foods and their manure are leading sources of food borne pathogens. Companies must review their products to determine whether it contains any of the known 160 allergens. Staging areas (putting all ingredients for a specific batch on a pallet before processing). Policy should specify that no tank is opened during production unless absolutely necessary. Picture- and symbol-based approach to training and instruction. Equipment may also cross contaminate both fresh apple and orange juice during processing. Coli O175:H7 in 8 percent of lab tests and should not have been used without chlorine). Recent advances in the investigation of food borne outbreaks using genetic fingerprinting techniques enable epidemiologists to identify outbreaks and sources of implicated foods that heretofore were undetected. Among these respondents, 84 percent noted that their companies will address food safety with employee training. Increased production line sampling and improved clean-out procedures. Certification of proper time and temperature handling on vessel. Odwalla decided not to pasteurize orange juice given that the juice can be extracted without touching the rind. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. Chmielewski, R. June. Reservoirs of L. Table A-2: Summary of Literature Findings on General Chemical Safety Issues and Preventive Controls. Among the many scientific safety initiatives cited were improved E. Cleaning by brushing, scrubbing, and scraping surfaces is often necessary because once a bacterial cell is released from the protection of a biofilm, it is much less resistant to subsequent sanitizers. Allergen contamination prevention boils down to improved equipment design, plant layout, material handling within the plant, supplier control and verification, and employee training. 2003. Keywords: allergens, controls, prevention, suppliers, equipment, labeling, cleaning, employee training. Formal and comprehensive training and maintenance programs for manufacturing equipment and control system. S. Monitoring of the effectiveness of clean-up and sanitizing procedures. One of the responses to the Listeria crisis in the mid-1980s in the dairy industry was major plant redesign activities, including redesign of floors and drains so they could be effectively cleaned and sanitized and increased protection of the filling equipment from air contamination. Stored products must be stored under dry and cool conditions that would prevent mold growth. 8. Further, pesticides, cleaners, and sanitizers can contaminate products. Control system failures as a result of inadequate control system validation measures. For egg producers, the control of Salmonella hinges on the adoption of multiple controls. There are a number of systems on the market to ensure hygienic practices among employees and to check for the effectiveness of equipment sanitation. Selected criteria and basic requirements for a variety of hygienic equipment characteristics provide a fundamental overview of areas that can be addressed by food manufacturers. During processing, contamination can occur with food additives, preservatives like nitrite, flavor enhancers, color additives, peeling aids, and defoaming agents. Irradiation and dipping in a trisodium phosphate solution for poultry. With respect to post-process contamination, there is probably no bacterial pathogen that exploits the food processing environment better than Listeria. Keywords: facility design, equipment, cleaning, sanitation, ready-to-eat, pest control, employee training. Shaft passages and seals may leak product to the outside of the line. D. The system provides a low-volume warm water wash followed by an antimicrobial solution spray. Purchasing from suppliers with a Listeria control program. Further, only three of the 85 Minnesota and Wisconsin firms utilized personnel that were trained and dedicated to allergen control. Cramer, Michael M. ELISA tests are being developed for allergens that could help verify the cleaning procedures, which is currently limited to visual inspection. Storage of dry foods in an environment where overhead drippage, back siphonage, airborne contamination, and access for insects and rodents are likely are also situations conducive to contamination. Drying to less than 9 percent moisture for peanut and less than 13. For cooked, ready-to-eat (RTE) products, the study recommends adhering to the following six basic elements of sanitary design. Further study is required to determine factors that lead to contamination and infiltration, with respect to cultivation, harvesting, transport, storage, and processing. An inventory should be kept of all chemicals, colorings, and additives. Segregation of raw materials from in-process and finished products. 2002a. The article addresses pathogen-testing procedures for products that are minimally cooked by the consumer, including all RTE products, as well as microwaveable products that may not receive sufficient heating to kill the bacteria in question. Adopting new technologies as soon as they are available, and. The scientific knowledge necessary to eliminate pathogens at the farm level does not yet exist. Store and secure pesticides away from food products. These procedures may require instructions for both partial or total dismantling of equipment, or for increased cleaning times. In the outbreak case, the company was accused of using a batch of rotten apples, some with worms in them. If allergen contamination still cannot be avoided, warnings should be put on the label. Microorganisms within biofilms are protected from sanitizers increasing the likelihood of survival and subsequent contamination of food. Leaching of toxic containers or pipelines due to acidic foods. and Jee-Hoon Ryu. Exclude dropped or damaged fruit from those that are designated for the production of unpasteurized juice or for the fresh or fresh-cut market. 2001a. Inventory should be kept of chemicals, colorings, and additives. Half-way HACCP programs due to lack of upper-management commitment. Many firms also did not have dedicated equipment for allergen and nonallergen production. Potential points of contamination need to be controlled in the field, during harvesting, processing and distribution, in retail markets, at food-service facilities, and at home. Foods that are not heated and are processed on or in equipment used previously with raw foods without proper cleaning can become cross-contaminated. N. When product was tested, a number of samples were positive for allergen residue. Clean surfaces prior to sanitization for complete biofilm removal. Ensure suppliers have implemented and documented an allergen plan. In July 1996, a small Californian lettuce company was identified as the source of an E. Coli O1576:H7 on raw meat used in manufacturing salami. Maintenance tools should be color coded for specific areas or proper cleaning procedures should be specified. Even after thorough washing and brushing, pathogens, such as E. 60, No. Good agricultural practices (GAPs), microbiological testing, and chlorine washing can minimize contamination of produce. Cleaning of these lines was found to be inadequate, rinsing with water only or cleaning only at the end of the day. Thoroughly rinse cleaning agents and sanitizers from equipment. Outbreaks often are due to a breakdown in food safety controls that have been put in place to prevent such occurrences. Table A-3: Summary of Literature Findings on Allergen-related Chemical Safety Issues and Preventive Controls. In an FDA survey of 85 small, medium, and large food plants, FDA and state inspectors found that only half of the firms were cross-checking ingredients on the labels with ingredients used in manufacturing the product. The AMI Equipment Design Task Force (EDTF) is comprised of representatives from ten meat and poultry processing companies. Sanitary Equipment Design. Meanwhile, 60 percent of respondents said that their companies plan to improve pest control, while 55 percent said that plans to augment sanitation equipment are underway or completed. High or low temperature treatments depending on the type of food product. Thorough cleaning of lines after running allergen-containing products. Crevices cannot be cleaned, and as such, will retain product residues that may effectively protect microorganisms against inactivation. Separation of processing areas from non-processing areas and high-risk from low-risk areas. 1999. Other possible control methods include pasteurization, UV treatment, high pressure sterilization, electric resistance heating, aseptic packaging, ultrafiltration, pulsed electric field, electromagnetic fields, pulsed light, ozone treatment, hot water rinses, irradiation, and freezing and thawing. Scheduling the allergen-containing product at the end of the run. 2001. Equipment should be made of sanitation friendly material, like stainless steel. McClure. Keywords: meat processing, Listeria, risk analysis, controls, preservatives. Lack of specific GMP, sanitation standard operating procedures, and sanitation monitoring records. However, the inspection indicated that these practices are largely absent in the cider industry. The main sources of food contamination include human errors in handling, pests and rodents, and temperature abuse during handling. 2003. Food borne illness is a major public health concern in the United States, with an estimated 76 million cases occurring annually. 2001a. Controls that can reduce introduction of fecal pathogens into raw milk include effective hygiene and routine monitoring for pathogens. Return to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) for the 21 st Century - Food Processing. Pathogenic Escherichia Coli. Acid cleaners can be used to remove inorganic soil or material, such as rust, and using soft water for cleaning aids in the effectiveness of cleaning chemicals. 1997. Guzewich, and Ewen C. Removing all the ingredients from the weighing and production areas of a line and checking for cleanliness are also helpful in avoiding contamination. This non-profit organization has scientifically proven the benefits of supplementation, bioidentical hormones, and natural approaches to health and hormones. Visual examination of empty glass containers or containing transparent product. Temperature control of the brine solution during brining. 1999. Listeria establishes niches in food processing plant environments and unless there is absolutely rigorously focused sanitation, it can persist for months or years within food plant environments. Journal of Food Protection. In another study of cross-contamination issues, companies did not separate production runs or clean their machinery properly. Food Safety Issues Arising at Food Production in a Global Market. The pathogen can grow at very low temperatures in foods. Odwalla also started using pasteurization to kill all pathogenic bacteria in its apple juice given that the skin gets mashed into the juice. Some equipment may need to be disassembled and manually cleaned. Sprouting processes (alfalfa seeds) have also been implicated in E. Cleaning with water or compressed air and inverting glass containers. Proper heating of hot dogs and meats can, however, reduce the risk of listeriosis, which affects mostly pregnant women, the elderly and the immunocompromised. Microbiological testing of products and the environment would also be helpful in assessing effectiveness of the controls in place. Contact with soil, raw or improperly composted manure, irrigation water containing untreated sewage, or contaminated wash water. Longer production runs with minimal changeovers for high-volume products. Cleaning practices themselves can also spread the organism and should be controlled. Thus, environmental contamination is separate from that of incoming raw materials. Control of water activity levels via cooking, baking, or dehydration. 6 or below throughout the food. Lubricants, paints, and coatings from buildings and equipment can also contaminate food. Further, dust from the trucks and cars driving in and out of the parking area and debris from the field were blown into the wash tank and wash area. Tracebacks of outbreaks to the point of production place greater liability and responsibility on food producers. Properly storing fish so that their internal temperature is less than 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Use of Chlorinated water and other sanitizers to disinfect product, work surfaces, and equipment. Minimizing Mycotoxin Risks Using HACCP - The Cracker. A Comprehensive Approach to Reducing the Risk of Allergens in Food. Increased use of post-packaging pasteurization with irradiation, hot water, steam, and high pressure. It is necessary to use physical detachments or lockouts of high-risk equipment if lines are used for both allergen and nonallergen containing foods. were not designed with control of this pathogen in mind. Allergenic products should be run on dedicated lines or scheduled at end of day. In many establishments, common utensils were used in the production of allergen and nonallergen-containing products. The processing shed was completely open on one side, exposing the large stainless steel tub where the leaves of lettuce were washed before being mixed and shipped in three-pound boxes. If the product is not cooked in its packaging material, packaging should be tested as well. Under certain conditions, pathogens can infiltrate and become internalized in the fruit or vegetable. Testing is essential to achieve some control over this form of contamination. Correct sanitizer selection as each sanitizer has an optimal working environment in which it is most effective. Other controls include scheduling, separation of products, staging areas, line clearance, and verification. Improved evisceration and hide, hair, and feather removal techniques. Biofilms. Ennen, Steve. Vol. Prevention of contamination by proper cleaning of manufacturing equipment. 2001b. Keywords: Listeria, cleaning, sanitation, facility design, intervention, controls. Because the greatest risk of Listeria growth is through process contamination, however, it is very important that the intervention is applied in final package with any of these technologies. Weak prerequisite programs, including SSOPs, GMPs, QA programs, consumer complaint monitoring, environmental monitoring, vendor certification, and allergen management. Produce Handling and Processing Practices. Establishment of a pathogen in a niche which is impossible to reach and clean with normal cleaning and sanitizing procedures. Keypad controls on hand sanitizers that enable the collection of data on handwashing practices of employees. Pest control - landscaping design to prevent pest harborage, adequate door seals, use of insect electrocuters. , with bar code scanners). Nonallergenic products should be scheduled first, preceded by a thorough cleaning of the line. Construction activity results in the dissipation of dust and, with it, microorganisms throughout a plant environment. Vol. Employee training programs have proven to be one of the most effective tools for preventing inadvertent contamination with allergens. Data on these factors can suggest preventive measures to be adopted as practices. Addition of key ingredients, such as sodium nitrite, sodium lactate, sodium diacetate, polyphosphates, organic acids, smoke flavoring, and bacteriocins, such as nisin and pediocin. McClure. Further, there are substantial economies of scale involved in food irradiation with the cost per pound of irradiated meat decreasing by increases in annual volume. However, many environmental surfaces, such as storage tank and pump exteriors, walls, and ceilings, are cleaned infrequently. Chlorine, iodophors, and most quaternary ammonium compounds are ineffective against removing biofilms. Food contact surface contamination between the cooking and packaging steps. In October of 1998, FDA formed a partnership with the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) and the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection (WDATCP). There is a significantly reduced transfer of energy to the food residues (soil) in dead areas in process equipment that is placed outside of the main flow of cleaning liquids than there is to the soil in the main flow. The people reviewing the products must receive training to recognize problematic families of foods. Frequent changing of the bedding materials in holding pens (poultry). Blackburn and Peter J. Presence of Listeria monocytogenes and Listeria ssp. Physical hazards, on the other hand, include foreign objects in food that can cause harm when ingested, such as metal or glass fragments. Mandoor covers intended to protect the food products may accumulate dirt, which will enter the product in the vessel when the lid is opened. Manufacturing equipment must be fabricated using appropriate materials. 2003. Food manufacturers are trying to control such pathogens through revised plant procedures, packaging innovations, and by adding key ingredients. It must be hygienically compatible with other plant systems. Inadequate cleaning of lines (rinsing with water only or cleaning at end of day only). Possible controls include scheduling production of allergen-containing products at the end of manufacturing runs, appropriate labeling, proper use of rework, equipment and system design considerations, thorough cleaning of lines after running allergen-containing products, effective management of label inventories, control of ingredients from suppliers and training of employees. Proper storage is critical, as moisture, heat, and physical damage greatly increases the potential for mycotoxings to form. Poor sanitation and preparation practices are more common in food-service operations and in the home than they are in food processing. Vol. Food Safety: Chemical Hazards. Bonus programs, including benefits packages (medical, dental) and good work conditions. An Assessment of Escherichia coli O157:H7 Contamination Risks in Commercial Mayonnaise From Pasteurized Eggs and Environmental Sources, and Behavior in Low-pH Dressings. GMPs must be in place and have been validated before designing a testing program. Depending on the type of food and radiation dosage, irradiation can be used to sterilize packaged food for storage at room temperature, eliminate or reduce pathogens, delay spoilage, control insect infestations, delay ripening, and inhibit sprouting. Raw ingredient can be contaminated or foods can be obtained from polluted sources. Raw materials can be contaminated with pesticides, antibiotics, hormones, toxins, fertilizers, fungicides, heavy metals, and PCBs. Intensive periodic cleaning in addition to routine cleaning. Inadequate cleaning between allergen-containing product run and nonallergen-containing product runs. Food safety hazards are typically categorized into three classes: biological, chemical, and physical. Pre-harvest drought, insect infestation and delayed harvesting are important external factors that contribute to mycotoxin formation. These methods may be particularly important for small plants that may not have the resources to buy expensive technologies, such as automated carcass steam pasteurizers or irradiation equipment. The new performance standards indicate the objective level of food safety performance that establishments must meet. Eating Safely: Avoiding Foodborne Illness. No. The producer operated under unsanitary conditions, with the lettuce being washed and packaged less than a hundred feet from a cattle pen. Use of decayed apples possibly have been in contact with deer feces. Organic Makeup, Green Home Cleaning Supplies, Anti Aging Skincare, Cream, Serums, and Lotions. The factors that contribute include raw material or product exposed to contamination, product manufactured with no processing stage to kill the organism, product with few or no preservatives, and product exposed to post-process contamination. Effective cleaning and sanitation that combines physical and chemical methods. Infrequent cleaning of environmental surfaces, such as storage tank and pump exteriors, and walls and ceilings. Testing for Foodborne Pathogens. Processes without a cook step and products that the consumer minimally processes, have a much greater need for testing on the raw material side. Allergens, Food Intolerance Substances and Prohibited Food and Color Additives. Maintenance of food safety controls and strengthening of existing controls. Further, most food processing plants in the U. Six establishments in Minnesota and ten establishments in Wisconsin had written recall procedures addressing allergens. The organisms are transferred either from the environment to the product or via product contact surfaces from aerosols or poor personnel handling practices. Further, long and artificial nails are a breeding ground for potentially harmful bacteria. In 25 percent of establishments inspected, raw ingredients, such as nuts or artificial colors were omitted from the label. The control of food allergens in a food processing plant requires an allergen prevention plan that determines the potential sources of contaminating allergens and appropriate controls to prevent their introduction into products. The processing equipment should be of sanitary design. Chemicals can enter foods through spillage or indiscriminate spraying. This study found that oranges can internalize pathogen at an uptake frequency of 3 percent. Bryan, Frank L. Drew, Christopher and Pam Belluck. Washing produce with chlorine also reduces contamination with Listeria. Literature Survey of the Various Techniques Used in Listeria Intervention. 2002c. Education on how HACCP is a minimal system that ensures maximum control. 2002. Industry Food Safety Actions: Conventional Practices and Technologies. Integration of CMMS, monitoring, and enterprise asset management systems. Journal of Food Protection. May. Keywords: meat processing, construction, risk assessment, controls, eggs, pasteurization, Salmonella. Clarification methods (including pressing, centrifugation, fining, enzyme treatment, and filtration). 1999. Prevention of mold growth at every stage of production. Segregation of raw materials and food production areas. Light fixtures that do not harbor dirt or moisture. Contact with animals, insects, unpasteurized products of animal origin, and contaminated surfaces. Allergen and nonallergen runs were not scheduled or sequenced. Pest control should be performed by professionals and chemical residues in incoming food products should be controlled. 4: 436-441. In the wash tank, lettuce was swished around by employees, some of whom did not wear gloves, and who had no acceptable place to sanitize their hands. Challenge studies to determine the critical control points. Contamination of apple cider likely occurs during the growing and harvesting phase, through direct or indirect contact with animal feces. The study, conducted by Michael Doyle and colleagues at the University of Georgia, indicates that cooks and chefs with long finger nails are more likely to pass on food bugs, such as E. A physical hazard is any extraneous object or foreign matter in a food item, which can cause illness or injury to a person consuming the product. An unpublished government report found that many processed foods are contaminated with peanut or egg allergens but labeling does not disclose these substances. Products with allergens should be run at one time or at the end of a production run. 1. Only four percent of establishments inspected used analytical testing to verify the effectiveness of cleaning and sanitation procedures. Abraded surfaces accumulate soil and are more difficult to clean than smooth surfaces. Some of these are difficult to control, but good agricultural practices (GAPs), such as timely harvesting and use of pesticides are controls that can reduce mycotoxin infestation. Longer run times that minimize changing products and scheduling the allergen-containing product at the end of a run reduce the chance of allergen contamination. The company also had no quality control procedures in place. Another 73 percent indicated that their companies have plans to tweak or implement HACCP plans. April 3. 2003. Increased probability of microbial contamination due to mild preservation technologies. Why take a pill when you can wear a non-drug patch. To prevent the ingress of microorganisms in rotating shafts, double seals with microbiocidal barrier liquids should be used. Outbreaks of listeriosis have been linked to plant renovations, use of defective processing equipment, and inadequate pasteurization. In-plant construction activities are a major culprit in food borne illness outbreaks in meat plants. Management strategies, like the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system. This risk assessment includes analysis of available scientific information and data in the development of exposure assessment and dose-response models to predict the public health impact of Listeria monocytogenes from 20 RTE food categories. Apples with defect rates of 25 to 30 percent were used, compared to the 5 percent that was normally acceptable to Odwalla in the past. A major problem is that older equipment may not be designed to verify visual cleaning. Keywords: outbreaks, contributory factors, risk assessment, cleaning, cross-contamination. Less obvious measures, such as protected lighting fixtures and controlling contact between pieces of machinery, should also be considered. , does not allow for product or liquid collection). The organic farm did not use any chemicals to wash lettuce and operated in a barn next to a small cattle pen. Dust control is also essential and required by GMPs. While prevention through pre-harvest management is best, should contamination persist or occur at a later time, processing and storage controls should be in place as well. Allergen addition point of line should be isolated. Equipment that is not designed to be cleaned with the help of automation. FDA Inspections Find Undisclosed Allergens in Processed Food. Improvements in equipment design to make cleaning more effective and to minimize breakdowns and repairs. Produce allergen-containing products on a separate day than other products. Some of these include cold storage and appropriate selection of packaging for fruits and vegetables, pasteurization for milk, irradiation and dipping in a trisodium phosphate solution for poultry, and proper handling and routine monitoring for toxins for fish. Use of multiple cleaning products for specific operations. Pay-for-skills programs where the responsibility goes to the workers. HACCP has been recommended by CSPI to ensure food does not become contaminated with allergens. Color-coded cleaning materials are another way to simplify training and assure proper application. The contamination was believed to be caused by a toad that crawled onto the juice processing equipment. Challenge studies to determine the critical control points. Monitoring the efficacy of cleaning and disinfecting agents. Education on how HACCP can help reduce sanitation costs and down time, lengthen shelf life, improve efficiency, and reduce waste. U. Contamination of fresh produce with pathogens is not rare. It must have its hollow areas hermetically sealed. 2001. Deadly Bacteria a New Threat to Fruit and Produce in U. Removal of oxygen by applying a vacuum, or the replacement of oxygen by gases, such as nitrogen or carbon dioxide. Vol. Table A-5: Summary of Literature Findings on Physical Safety Issues and Preventive Controls. When changeovers are necessary, products containing allergens can be scheduled last in the production cycle. The extensive study identifies the various production practices that may influence the risk of contamination and exposure to pathogens in fresh and fresh-cut produce. A questionnaire was used to assess industry practices. Bell, Chris and Alec Kyriakides. There are additional considerations for different categories of foods, such as fruits and vegetables, grains, milk and dairy products, meat, poultry, fish, egg products, and other food products, such as ethnic foods, spices, honey, mayonnaise and dressings. Washing apples may reduce surface contamination, but studies also report pathogens can migrate into the tissue of the apple through the flower end or breaks in the skin of the apple. Cleaning agents and sanitizers should be thoroughly rinsed from equipment during cleanup. Covering transport belts to prevent ingredients from falling. June. Food Safety: Physical Hazards. Frank. These incidences indicate that additional techniques may be needed for controlling Listeria in food processing plants and especially in those processing ready-to-eat (RTE) products. Blackburn and Peter J. Sanitation and good employee hygiene practices are of high importance in ensuring food safety in a plant. Proper handling and routine monitoring for toxins for fish. In these cases, companies may need to redesign the plant or add warnings to the label, although these should be a last resort since they eliminate potential customers. Where unavoidable, the crevices created should be sealed, at minimum. The best way to control Listeria is to eliminate it from the post-processing environment by segregating raw materials and processed materials and by practicing effective cleaning and sanitation. Staging (putting all of the ingredients for a specific batch on a pallet prior to taking them to the processing area) will also eliminate errors before they occur. Treatment of produce with chlorinated water reduces pathogenic and other microorganisms on fresh produce but does not eliminate them. In Minnesota, 10 of the 40 firms had SSOPs that were proven effective and followed. Some of the most effective work practices as identified by food safety experts and plant managers include. The amended regulations, however, allow establishments to develop and implement processing procedures customized to the nature and volume of their production. g.

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